The Scorpio Thoughts

Monday, December 19, 2005

Birthdays, Birthdays & Birthdays

Had a busy week with so much activities. BBQ, surprise birthday celebration at bedok jetty, birthday dinners, birthday celebration at pub. I'm almost worn out. Someone got drunk and did a strip show at tanjong pagar! Joke of the month : Who wants to see what's below? (Adapted from "The Promise") Personal joke.. No names mentioned!....lolx. :X

Quite surprised and delighted that there are people reading my entries. Surprised because it's mostly about my own thoughts, supposedly nothing interesting to others. Delighted because at least there are people who care..haha. And it is really interesting getting to understand the purpose of reading on. A lot of friends are surprised by the dramas i went through as i don't seem to be someone who is going through these. Some are curious about my life, some are curious about my character, some find it funny and entertaining to read my bullshits, someone said he learnt a lot of life lessons from my blog. I didn't know one can learn from others in this way. That's new. Well, it's purely my own thoughts, don't really wish to mislead anyone doing wrong things or making wrong decisions.

Begin to sense some tension building up, and a kind of prenomintion that a lot of dramas are in the midst of staging. The weather has been quite bad recently, and the flu virus have been accompanying me for a week liao. Just felt uneasy at times and I'm not exactly clear of the reasons. I think it's better to stay away for a while.

Realised something about Alvin, he's like an Aunt Agony for everyone around him. He seems to be the one people looked for when they are sad and needed someone to talk to. I wonder who's his Aunt Agony...wahaha. Guess he's seeing so much dramas around him that when it happens to himself, he can't really take it, or rather bear with it.

Sometimes i wonder whether poeple whom you helped will lend you a shoulder when you need one. Think everyone is so occupied with true love that we forgot about true friedships. Important too isn't it? But i don't really feel that people are sincerely looking for it. Just felt that a lot of us are often engrossed with the present engagement and forgot about past ties which should be treasured. Was chatting with an old friend online and i asked about his close friend. Apparently they have stopped contacting each other because he is currently hanging out with people that he think are cool and blah blah blah. I reminded him of how that friend had helped and supported him when he was down, he was such a true friend to him and it's such a pity that he didn't treasure the friendship. He was speechless.... Luckily he wasn't offended and still thanked me for reminding him..haha..phew!

Christmas is coming! But i'm too broke to buy presents. :( Well, but still can enjoy myself!


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