The Scorpio Thoughts

Monday, December 06, 2004

I clubbed again - disaster

Said i wun be clubbing for some time, but i still went in the end. had a another weekend of decadence. Was supposed to study for my exams, well, guess i will push it to next week as usua. Quarrelled with lp again, guess we can't get along, no matter how hard we tried. Guess it is all fated.
Shouldn't had went Happy on sunday night, it was so stupid. My legs were sore, damn sleepy, can't drink, looked shag and ugly! Didn't know what the hell was i doing, guess i was quite upset over what happened ove dinner and didn't know where to go at night.
Have to get my schedule right this week. Need to get a healthier lifestyle. Need to diet, need to rest, need to study.Shall go to gym tomorrow.....will i? Pondering.......hmmm....will try to.
LP is sick, said i dun care for him.....dunno what to say....guess i'm not a good LG.
What is responsibility? It is just things u have to do in the eyes of others......What about responsibilities to myself? guess the only resposibility is to be responsible for others.....complicated? Forget it then.
Christmas is coming, no mood though.....exams coming....stretch from Christmas over New Year, fucked up school timetable....argh!!!!!