The Scorpio Thoughts

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Will Leaving Help?

A nature of scorpios: prefer self help, and will only help those who doesn't give up on themselves. Am i seen as cold-blooded often? Cos i just stand one side and keep quiet. I do care but i guess it's better for one to handle the matters of the heart yourself.

Will leaving help? Is it avoiding? I guess leaving quietly will be good, take a break and start afresh. Hope AZ can do it. Valentines is finally over, agony is also over. It's time to move on.

Time will tell everything.....starting to realise that things are not so beautiful afterall, not so perfect, not so.........sigh. Jeff is back from KL, hope he enjoyed his trip with his bf, must have bought a lot of stuffs bah.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Valentine's Day

What a day to remember, exactly 1 year ago, Lp bought dinner for me. And we started. One year later, i cried while talking to him. Gave him my favourite ring today, hope he will remember me.

How does it feel like when the person u love is not with you on valentine's day? Pighead asked and i dunno how to answer.

Looks like i can't celebrate v day with a bf, the last time was 7 years ago i guess, can't remember. Met lp today, had dinner with him, glad we are at least talking to each other. Love does not disappear, it just takes another form.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Pighead Story

Real life story:

Pighead fell in love, Pighead miss him, Pighead can't find him, Pighead waited downstairs for him, Pighead didn't see him, Pighead stood there, Pighead cried, Pighead wanted to tell him "Sorry, i love you", Pighead waited, Pighead said "I'll give up", Pighead kept the pain to himself, Pighead sacrificed, Pighead went home, and Pighead told me about it.

LOVE is always patient and kind.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Day in JB

Skipped school today, accompanied Gary and the rest to JB. Saw so many things to buy but can't afford. Made an important but stupid decision today....but i guess it's good for all of us. Kept telling myself that i can take it....But tears fell..... Am i too weak?

Lp messaged me, he wants to patch. I dunno how to answer him. hurts.....In the end found out that he's gonna accept someone else. Guess i couldn't control myself..... But i still wish him good luck.... Hope the someone can take care of him better than me. Love is never jealous.

Love does not end even when both can't be together. Love takes another form then, blessing the other one from afar...wishing him happiness and holding his heart from a distance. A special friend until the day i die, the love will stay within. It's painful when u can't love the one u love. but i guess i will get use to the pain, and everything will turn out well slowly. It takes time.....hope so....

Did u leave anything behind?

Took a cab to school in the morning, the teller said this sentence after announcing my taxi fare "Did u leave anything behind?" What was the first thing that came to my mind.....handphone...wallet....the most important things of course.

How about asking yourself: "Did u leave anyone behind?". Have you ever thought about anyone that u left out in your life.....someone who cares for you but left aside by you, cos there is someone else who is more important.

Is waiting painful? I guess it's not when u can see the end of it. What about waiting in vain? With no aim and no end..... and there's nothing u can do about it. What can be done? Shrugs in despair.....

Love does not take offense and is not resentful. I don't blame anyone..... It's all my fault bah.... I'm the bad guy.

Don't just say u love him? What have u done for the person? Was it for yourself or for him? I always believe that my mum is the the person who loves me the most, she loveed me for so many years without expecting anything back, am i able to do this for my partner? Love in our own way or love him in his own way? What's the point of loving him in your own way when to him you r not. Complicated question......